Add default parameters to tasks

Set up parameters that will be added to all tasks of a connection

What are default parameters

Default parameters are information items that you set up for a connection that are then applied to all action items created by that connection. They come in two basic types:

  1. Source-specific parameters are based on the note being processed like the note title, notebook or section of the note.
  2. Destination-specific parameters are based on the 4 destination-specific parameters we support - due date, tags/labels, priority level and assignee/people.

Set up default parameters

Default parameters are not available until you complete your first connection using Initial Setup.  Afterwards, you can edit your initial connection or create a new one and configure default parameters on the Sync Details tab.

Source-specific parameters

Source-specific parameters and text can be added using the Prepend to task section on the Sync Details tab of connection settings.  Here you can input text and source parameters using the “+” button.  The source parameters and text will be added before the title of each task or event of this connection before being sent to your destination.  You can preview what the result will be in the Preview Pane of the Prepend to Task section.  This feature can be turned on or off by the toggle on the right.

Destination-specific parameters

Destination-specific parameters can be added using the Append to Task section of the Sync Details tab of connection settings.  These parameters are added using a special syntax described fully in our article Add due dates and destination parameters.  Unlike adding parameters to individual action items, adding them in the Append to Task section means they are added to every action item created based on that connection.  

Overriding destination parameters

If you add the pipe “|” symbol to any action item, TaskClone assumes you want to override the default settings for that individual action item.  We therefore ignore default settings when the pipe “|” symbol is present.  

See Add due dates and destination parameters to learn more about using the pipe “|” symbol to add parameters to individual action items.  You can also see our Feature Syntax Guide for more information.

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