Manage Subscription Plans

Upgrade, Downgrade change or cancel your account.

The 14-day free trial

When you first sign up for TaskClone you are provided a free 14-day trial of our Business Plan so you can test all TaskClone features. Click the "My Account" menu item in the upper right to view the Account Overview section and see your plan expiration date and a link to view paid plans.

Upgrade to a paid subscription plan

Click the "My Account" menu item in the upper right to view the Account Overview section.

To upgrade to a paid plan from your free trial, click the "View Plans" button to see our current pricing and description for each plan as well as a button to Subscribe. Note that the monthly cost is shown for comparison purposes only and all subscription plans are paid yearly.

By clicking any Subscribe button, you will launch our payments portal where you can securely enter your payment information and subscribe after confirming the plan you want to purchase.

Once the payment completes, you will see confirmation both in our dashboard as well as via email.

Change plan

After you are on a paid plan, both the Account Overview and the Plans sections of the My Account page have buttons that link to the payments portal to manage your plan.

Once in the payment portal, you can update your plan. We will process upgrades and downgrades and prorate payments accordingly. If you're paying for the team, the total price for all members is calculated for you.

Update payment details

After you are on a paid plan, both the Account Overview and the Plans sections of the My Account page have buttons that link to the payments portal to manage your plan.

Clicking the Manage Plan button will open our payments portal where you can update your payment details and tax information.

View Invoices

After you are on a paid plan, both the Account Overview and the Plans sections of the My Account page have buttons that link to the payments portal to manage your plan.

Clicking the Manage Plan button will open our payments portal where you can view all invoices.

Cancel Plan

Cancelling a free trial

Click the "My Account" menu item in the upper right to view the Account Overview section.

Click the Cancel Trial button and you will be taken to our customer portal to where you cancel your free trial.

Canceling a paid plan

While we hate to see you go, cancelling a paid plan is simple. Click the Manage Plan button in the Account Overview.

This will launch our payments portal where you can cancel your plan.

Billing Questions

We aim to resolve any questions, billing or otherwise, within 24 hours. Simply login and click on the "?" button at the bottom right of any page.

Then select ask to send us message. We'll usually respond in a few hours.

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