Supported Apps

Automatically send action items from "source" apps Evernote, OneNote, Notion and Google Docs to the "destinations" listed below. Learn how to take advantage of advanced features like two-way sync and adding due dates, assignees and more.

Destination Support Table

Even if your app is not listed below, if it accepts tasks via email, TaskClone probably works - See Using TaskClone With Email.

Sync Method

Email Method API. Direct connection with destination database - supports advanced features.

Email Method Email. Destination accepts tasks via email - due dates, tags, priority and more may be supported. See listing in Email Support Table for details.

Advanced: Two-way sync

TaskClone can sync the completion status of tasks if the Sync Method in the table above is "API" .

Advanced: Due dates, assignees and more

TaskClone allows you to type specific parameters like due date, tags, assignees or attendees in your notes and have them automatically added to the task in your destination app. Support for this feature is based on the destination's capabilities and whether we have a direct (API) connection to their database or rely on their email-to-task feature - see also Using TaskClone With Email.

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